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Top Advice For Graduates

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Graduates can get some of the best advice around work-life balance. Recent research has shown that 73% of people rank work-life balance high as a priority when looking for a job. It's not surprising that many people seek out other career options to improve their work-life balance, considering the average worker works 50 hours per week.

Work-life Balance

Research shows that graduate students are six times more likely to experience anxiety and depression than the rest of the population. Therefore, it is important for them to maintain a balance between work and family. GradHacker provides a great article that discusses the importance maintaining personal, emotional, and physical health and balancing school and work.

To avoid job exhaustion, it is essential to find the right balance between your personal and work obligations. If you're just starting your career, it is important to find a healthy balance between work and personal life. This means setting healthy boundaries and investing in your career development.

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Prioritizing development over money

It is important for college graduates to put more emphasis on their future career prospects and growth than on monetary compensation. Money is important but should not be the top priority. Graduate hiring managers should concentrate on potential growth and development opportunities in their companies, not money. Insider interviewed executives from the C-suite to share their thoughts.

The University of British Columbia conducted a survey of 1,000 recent graduates. Questionnaires were given to the graduates asking which value they place more on time and money. The students who prioritised time were happier one-year after graduation. This finding was consistent after adjusting for baseline happiness and using alternative model specifications. The study concludes that people will continue to value time more than money even after spending a year in real life. This is because they are looking for intrinsically rewarding tasks.

Selecting a job which suits your values

It is important to find a career that aligns well with your values when looking for a job. This will give a sense and guideline to your best choices. You may feel dissatisfied, depressed, or drained if your values are not aligned to your job. These symptoms are common and can range from mild to severe.

There are many factors that can help you decide if your career path is compatible with your personal values. You might consider your values to be financial security or work-life balance. Your values might also align with your personality. Some people are more career-oriented and may be more suitable for flexible hours and a work-life combination.

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Taking advantage of opportunities after graduation

Whether you have just graduated, or are considering pursuing a post-graduate degree, pursuing opportunities after graduation is important. There are many opportunities to broaden your knowledge and gain international experience. Join a professional society or volunteer organization at your university to meet people with similar interests. These opportunities can give you valuable experience in real life and help you find out about career options. In addition, they can give you a sense of what to expect when you enter the workforce.

To prepare you for a particular career, you could pursue a bachelor's program if you are keen to continue your education. You can also decide to go on to a post-graduate degree program that will teach you the specific skills necessary in your field. This will allow you to get an entry-level job within the industry that interests you.

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Top Advice For Graduates