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How to get a job as a manager

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It's not uncommon to dream of rising up in a managerial role. 77% of millennials believe they are leaders today, and plan to become so in the future. Experience is the greatest barrier to becoming a manager. There are many ways to gain experience that will increase your chances of being hired as a manager.

Getting a manager job

Although it is difficult to get a managerial position, it can be very rewarding. You will have the chance to manage others and take on more responsibility. A management position will often include a pay hike, which can help your retirement savings and debt repayment. It is important to decide to take the job, even though it may not be an easy decision.

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Start by asking for additional responsibilities in the current position if it seems you have what it takes to be a manager. You can also communicate your desire to move up to management with your supervisor. He or she will be able to help you develop the skills and qualifications needed to land a management position.

Building a strong resume

A manager job requires that you have a strong resume and demonstrate your leadership and management skills. As a manager you will have to take on many responsibilities as well as lead a team toward success. There are many examples and good resumes available to assist you in this endeavor.

Your resume should highlight your most valuable skills and accomplishments. So that the hiring manager can quickly scan the document, you should include bullet points. Your top bullet point should highlight managerial skills, such designing training programs and mentoring new employees. A great way to increase the readability of your resume and get the attention of a hiring manager is to add action words.

Include examples from your previous work experience to demonstrate your management skills. This will help you customize your resume to fit the industry for which you are applying. Not only should your work experience be highlighted on your resume, but so is your ability to manage cross-functional groups. As an example, a regional manager in sales would manage teams in multiple regions.

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You can take initiative to improve your skills

Today's business world moves fast, and sharpening your skills is essential if you want to advance in the role. Some companies might offer training but it is usually up to the individual how they continue their professional growth. You should also be proactive about your job performance and identify opportunities for improvement.

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How to get a job as a manager