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What is Networking and Why is it Useful When Looking For a Job?

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When you are looking for work, networking can be a great skill. It can lead you to unexpected opportunities that aren't possible otherwise. It's important that you remember that networking is a two way street. It's not about asking for favors. Instead, it's about people helping each other.

The two-way street to effective networking is one that involves both the client and the networker.

Networking is vital for landing the ideal job. But it's equally essential to develop and maintain relationships with others. You need to be willing to give as well as receive. You can nurture relationships by simply saying thank you, asking about their families, sending them articles or checking in with them occasionally. You will be more likely to be considered for potential opportunities if you spend more time building these relationships.

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It's more than asking for assistance

Networking is all about networking when you are trying to find a job. Don't be shy about telling people you're looking for a job or mentioning your job search at parties. You might just find someone who can help. Be specific and explain your needs. Ask them if they are familiar with someone in that field.

It can help with unadvertised jobs

If you want your job search to be successful, networking skills are essential. It will help you expand your job search by allowing you to apply for unadvertised positions. These unadvertised opportunities will not be posted publicly so you will have a better chance to land an offer. You can also network to find the job that you are looking for.

This is a valuable career development skill.

Building a strong network of contacts is essential if you want to succeed in your career. Over 80% jobs are filled through networking. It's therefore a smart idea to make a variety of contacts. These contacts can lead you to open positions, and even help you get hired. Do not underestimate how important it is to build a strong network that allows you to ask for guidance and support when you need.

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Tips for attending networking events

Networking events are a great way to meet people, and make connections with potential employers. It is important to make meaningful connections to achieve success. You should remember that networking events do not require you to compete. Therefore, it is crucial to be yourself at all times and to learn more about other people. It's possible that you share a lot with someone. This can help you stand out from the crowd.

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What is Networking and Why is it Useful When Looking For a Job?