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I Don't Know What to Do For a Career

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It can be hard to find a job if you don't know where to start. It's important to allow yourself sufficient time to think about all possibilities. First, make a list. Then seek the advice of senior professionals. It may be worth trying a different job to discover your passions. You will be more likely to find the job that suits you if there are more options.

A list of your strengths

If you aren't sure what career you want, it can be helpful to make a list of your strengths and help you identify your interests. To start, think about your experiences in school, volunteering, and work. Think about the difficulties you have faced and the skills that you have acquired. You may enjoy working with other people if your skills include critical thinking or problem solving.

To show the positive impact your strengths have had on your life, write down a success story. When answering the question "What are your strengths?" it's important that you include examples. To recall specific achievements, you can use the STAR method to write your success story. Start with a situation, then move onto a task and finally an action.

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Asking senior professionals for their advice

You may benefit greatly from the guidance of senior professionals. You might be able to ask them to look at your portfolio or to refer you to an industry professional. They can help you to pass on your resume and CV to their HR department. This is the downside. You may need to wait for some time before you get this advice.

Explore new things

If you feel you're not satisfied with your current career, try something new. If you have the opportunity to explore your interests and hobbies, there's no reason to be stuck. This is a great option if your passion is public relations.

Keeping your options open

You don't have to decide what career you want. Keeping your options open will help you discover a path to success. This means you don't have to make a definitive decision immediately. You can still change your mind as often or as little as you want. This will allow for you to find out more about yourself, your interests, and how they relate to each other.

Many people believe that by keeping their options open, they'll end up finding the right thing. You show the world you are flexible and adaptable by saying yes to possible jobs or not turning down offers. While this strategy is advantageous, it can also be detrimental to your chances of landing a job.

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Dreaming big

Dreaming big for your career can be a fun and exciting experience, but you must keep it real and make sure you have a plan for what you want to do next. A plan will help you avoid burnout and keep you on track to your goals.

If you dream big, you're likely to succeed. People who fail at achieving their goals usually give up and quit dreaming. Anything is possible if your belief in your goal and you don't let anyone discourage it.

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I Don't Know What to Do For a Career